Sunday, April 25, 2010

"Tuckerton Marina"

I did a plein air workshop yesterday with
Michael Budden.  We painted at a Tuckerton
NJ marina on the edge of the New Jersey
Pine Barrens.The weather was beautiful but
slightly windy so I couldn't use my umbrella.

The class spread out around the marina
to pick a view to paint.  I chose this little
white building on the other side of the creek
to avoid trying to paint a complex scene with
boats and multiple buildings. I just wanted to
concentrate on capturing the light and color
of the scene.  The water may look a little
dark but I feel it accurately portrays the color
of the water as the creeks in the area are
naturally tea-colored and called "cedar water".

I am definitely going to go back there as
there are many interesting local scenes to paint.


  1. Great, strong, warm light on the building. Really pulls me in.

  2. Hi Lori!.... I love the dark contrasts in this piece... with hints of well placed lights to catch the eye... like the flag! Well done!A gem!

    Thank "You" too... for visiting my site and for leaving uplifting comments! They are really appreciated!

    Good Painting!

    Warm Regards,

  3. What a beautiful piece! How lucky you are to be surrounded by such beautiful places!
    I thank you as well for joining my blog and I hope you will enjoy visiting it as much as I know I will visiting yours!!!

  4. Just found your blog and its great. Very nice work.

  5. I really like the colours Lori, and I like the way you have handled the trees

  6. Beautiful Painting Lori...I love the feel of the sun on the building and I can almost feel the wind blowing our flag!!!

  7. Congratulations Lori!
    You've just won the Sunshine Award! Go to my blog to pick up your flower!

  8. Thank you Lori for visiting my blog as well. Artists thrive on positive reinforcement. Thanks for the pat on the back! Great Blog.

  9. Hi Lori...I like the flat picture plane...the colors and's simple and to the point.

  10. Hi Lori. I didnt get around to looking at everyone elses pieces that day. What a nice little gem of a painting!

    Pat and I are going to decide about Saturday first thing in the morning. Will let you know what we decide.
